2024-2025 Policy and Goals


2024-2025 Policy and Goals「Done is better than perfect」

Rotary Club of Tokyo Hiroo President of 2024-25 Miyuki IMAI

When RI President Ms.Stephanie A. Urchick installed water purifiers in households in the Dominican Republic, the words of a local child saying, “Show me the magic again,” inspired this year’s RI President’s theme, “The Magic of Rotary.”

I am a weekend foster parent for a boy living in the orphanage due to neglect. The boy was taking tranquilizers, but has now stopped taking them, and is able to talk to me about his career path. He has a goal of obtaining a scholarship and going to university, and I am supporting his growth. While individual support in service activities is limited, I believe that by leveraging the power of a large organization like Rotary, greater support can be achieved, leading to magical outcomes. This year, we plan three service activities, and I hope all members will experience “The Magic of Rotary.” together.

District Governor Ms.Chie ITO has set the district theme as “Let’s fly up ! with the origin in our minds” emphasizing the importance of cherishing our origins while embracing change. Based on this theme, Rotary Club of Tokyo Hiroo has set “Done is better than perfect” as our club theme. This phrase by Mark Zuckerberg means that it is more important to execute and continue to improve rather than aiming for perfection from the beginning. In Japan, there is a strong culture of not tolerating failure, but in our Rotary activities, we aim to create sustainable and better changes by first executing and then continuing to improve.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding for Rotary Club of Tokyo Hiroo. Under the theme “Done is better than perfect,” we will focus on four key initiatives:

  1. Strengthening the membership base: We will introduce a mentoring system to create an environment where new members can easily understand the basic principles and activities of Rotary. We will utilize our diverse membership in terms of age, gender, and international backgrounds, aiming for further development with everyone participating in club operations.
  2. Increasing club recognition: We will continuously disseminate information about club activities through various social media platforms such as Instagram, X , and Facebook, thereby enhancing the club’s presence.
  3. Operating attractive meetings: We will plan and operate unique meetings and talks across various fields that lead to increase member satisfaction.
  4. Executing service activities: In addition to closing the Kenya water support project and continuing the breast cancer eradication movement, we will start new projects such as the donation of cartilage conduction headphones to elderly facilities in Shibuya Ward and a literacy improvement project for children living in Chiang Mai. For the 25th anniversary commemorative service, we plan to launch Music Mends Minds in Japan, supporting elderly people with dementia through the power of music.

To ensure that Rotary Club of Tokyo Hiroo can achieve further development, we will actively engage in activities with the spirit of “Done is better than perfect.”